Small Acts

Written by Luciano Ciorciari June 13, 2020

Small acts of love can make a big difference

We often preach that the unquantifiable amount of love we put into what we do is our biggest asset.

We are always thinking of new ways to show that love to our customers and make them feel it.

I tell our staff, that to show and give love. you must have love within you. The truth is, all of us have love within us. Some are just better at expressing it than others. I am proud to say that when we look for someone to join our team, we don‘t only look at experience, education, or even skill level. We look at their heart. Deep down. what‘s In that heart? Is there a Little bit of Imperfect love that needs some molding? Is there love just stemming up, waiting to erupt? Is there a little seed of love that needs nurturing to give beautiful fruit? That's why we say around the warehouse: we don't just have "Hard Workers," we have ”Heart Workers." Our people have truly beautiful hearts... .and this past Thursday, I was given proof.

Recently, we started calling all of our customers to follow up after their order has been delivered. Brian, a newer addition to our team, is here to drive this initiative. He is the epitome of real, caring service. He came from the food service industry, where he managed high-end restaurants. But that's not what Impressed us. What is so impressive about him Is his sincere, endless desire to serve. Truly, this guy would drive to Alaska on a tricycle to make a customer happy. And he would do it wearing a smile all the way there and back. A few days ago, Brian spoke with a great customer of ours, who happened to share that he was not ordering much lately because his wife had surgery ono their diet was a diet limited. As Brian shared this with me at the end of the day, I could sense his urge to say something else.

So I asked, "Brian, what's up?" He responds... . “Well, I think we should do something for him. He's family, right? His wife had surgery. We should do something nice to help her smile.” Suddenly, I feel like I won a billion donors in the lottery. You know why? Because this is what we strive to do. Seeing someone care so much for someone he doesn't even know personally, It's worth that much. So, I told Brian, "Do what your heart tells you to do." And he did. He put together a care package with the help of the team and drove over to the customer's home to deliver flowers, cans of soup, and a card signed by the entire Staff wishing for a quick recovery. If you can't tell by now, this makes me swell with pride. And Brian‘s simple act of love reminded us how much change you can make In one person's world.

Message: To the Ciorciari Family and the Food Related Family. I just wanted to drop a note of gratitude regarding Brian's and Food Related's remarkably kind gesture. What a wonderful Surprise yesterday was. I had not seen Fresh flowers since everything Started with the coronavirus. What a ray of sunshine. I am so grateful for the flowers and variety of soups. God Bless Brian for his God sent attitude. He is one of the nicest persons we have ever met. You can tell he is a hardworking and caring young man. He is the perfect compliment to your caring company. Thank you for all your company does during this unprecedented time. God Bless Brian and all the individuals wbo took the time to sign my ”Get Well Card", You have no idea how blessed we felt with your kind, remarkable gesture. God Bless all of you always. Please stay safe. Sincerely Melinda and Anthony Guerrero

In my heart, I wonder, how different the world would be if we all did simple, random acts of love. A genuine smile. A sincere “How are you?” and taking the time to truly listen. A nice compliment. The occasional knock on our neighbor’s door to see how they are doing. Dropping off dessert at an elderly home. A simple thank you card. Let’s not forget that a small act of love for someone can remind others how much of a difference we can make.

Have a great weekend family.

Luciano Ciorciari, CEO


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